Monday, March 23, 2015

Second food club day

Hello all,

Pros/cons of food club day?
and: should we limit the number of clubs per food club day  (should we keep this system for next year)
keep in mind that:
-each club can only participate in one food club day per year
-there were a lot less clubs per food club day

anything else?? let us know :)


  1. How did each of the clubs fare financially? Since food club day is a service we provide to clubs on campus - I would think that FCD was a success if no club lost profit.
    Could we maybe get a comparison of figures between last year's FCDs (when every club was allowed to sell each time) and this year?

    One positive: I think by the time lunch ended, almost every single club had sold out (or nearly sold out). That's really good!

    The ticketing system was much more efficient this time around and should definitely be kept for future food club days.

    The large map at the top of the quad was helpful! Another consideration (by no means necessary) is to have a map also near the cafeteria. Students coming from that direction (lit/social studies/language wings) arrive at the selling booths before they're able to go the top of the quad (and most just immediately start selling). A smaller map hung up on the cafeteria would maybe help students plan out better.

  2. PS: There are still a few club food day posters from individual clubs up. What's the policy for this? Should we just take them down?

    1. Take them down, or Anshul will rip all of them down

  3. I think that overall, club food day was a success. From a consumer's point of view, I liked it better when all the clubs had two food club days, since there was just more variety. As a club, however, it's less stressful and clubs are more likely to sell out, making for a more successful fundraiser. Almost every club that I talked to liked the new policy of participating in 1 FCD/year. Ticket sales were efficient and the lines were never too long, even during lunch. As usual, the map was a great addition to the entire process.

  4. I think we shouldn't limit the number of Food Club Day's per year. This food club day was very successful and organized, which was good! However, I feel like there weren't enough choices for everyone and there wasn't enough food for everyone. Also I think having the options for two food club days is fine because essentially it's up to the clubs whether they want to take the risk to make a profit or not. This way clubs have the options and opportunity to make more profit! I definitely agree with Will that t he ticketing system went very well and the map was good. Overall great job clubs!

  5. I think that the second food club day that you held was very successful like the first. Only thing that could have been changed was when you started to advertise for this at school, maybe the week before for more people to know when to buy tickets. Also a time to clean up, though there was an announcement for it, there should be a set time so people aren't late to class. There was one club that was late to class I believe. But overall nice job CLUBS!

  6. I don't think that only allowing clubs to sell for one food club day was too much of a problem on the consumer's part because the popular (and therefore profitable) food was sold regardless, whereas the more obscure foods weren't. In addition to having a giant map of where each club/food was, also have ticket numbers (unless you already do that, oops)?

    Ticket managing was super organized, great job! You guys just keep getting more efficient which is amazing :)

    Just wondering, would it be possible to have more than 1 food club day per semester (if it's not too much work for you guys)? I think food club day is definitely one of the more successful events that ASB puts on for clubs and student body as a whole.

  7. I really like the idea of half the clubs selling at each food club day. Though that makes for less of a diversity, this is more beneficial for clubs as they would actually make money, which is the whole point of food club day.

    Ticket managing was a lot more organized! Wooo!

    I felt the amount of food available this time around was a lot more than the previous one, which is great that the club took into consideration that it's half the clubs, not all club selling, in order to provide more food to the students.

    Though they still sold out more than they did in previous years with all clubs selling, quite a few clubs had a lot of leftovers later that they were practically begging people to take for a small fraction of their original cost. Maybe this as well as the previous food club day's observations can be taken into account to give each club tips and a more accurate estimate.

    Overall it was a great food club day! GREAT JOB CLUBS!

  8. Food Club day was a success!

    As a club selling, I felt like the whole process was very easy and efficient. I think as was said before, the popular foods are always sold, so it is better two have each club only once so the profitable foods are obtained and able to be sold by different groups.

    Selling out is a great thing for clubs, it means the demand is more than the supply. This is never a bad thing, and if a student is not fast, it's their loss not the clubs.

    I personally love when some clubs have leftovers and need to sell for less. I got four Una Mas Chicken Burritos for four tickets, and they were amazing.

    Great work Clubs, as long as it runs smoothly, I think it was a job well done.

  9. I thought it definitely went well. It would be great if the clubs commission could provide some guidelines or publish statistics for previous club food days to help the newer clubs approximate how much to buy/sell for! At this recent club food day, I saw that a lot of clubs bought too many. Overall, I think we should try to prevent them from wasting food.

    In terms of tickets, I didn't see too much going on! I guess that is a good thing.

    The map was great, and no long lines for sure!!
