Monday, October 20, 2014

Homecoming Dance Debrief

Hey ASB! We would love to have your input on the Homecoming dance that took place last Saturday 10/18. Please tell us:

-What you liked and why you liked it
-What you think could be improved
-Suggestions for the future

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out during the event, we truly appreciate it!


  1. -decs were nice
    -DJ was good
    -Results announcement went well on the DJ's part
    -photo booth was great

    -waffles ran out too fast :c

    Even though I arrived at the dance late because of an FBLA conference, the dance seemed like a lot of fun and everyone looked like they were having a good time. Good job social!!

  2. I feel the dance overall was amazing, the DJ was great, the results was fun, you played frozen for people that didn't want to dance which, I think, went well, and the photo booth was also fun! The only thing that was somewhat bad was that the waffles ran out way to fast.

    Well Done Social!!!

  3. The dance was great! I LOVED how we played Frozen in the auditorium and we should definitely do that for future dances. The line for the tickets took way too long though, and I think that we should find a better way to fix that problem. Also the waffles did run out too soon and next time we should premake a specific amount of batter and leave it in the fridge so people don't have to wait while we make batter.
    Other than that, Great dance social!

  4. There were a lot of people at the dance, even though there were a lot of complaints/comments earlier on the casual atmosphere we wanted to promote, so good job on implementing the change pretty seamlessly.
    Definitely more materials for waffles next time, and we should think of a more efficient way to make them so the line isn't always so long.
    People seemed like they were enjoying themselves a lot, whether they were watching Frozen or dancing.
    Photo booth is always awesome.
    Results went well, even though the DJ set up on the stage CP's were supposed to stand on (oops)

    Overall, I thought the dance went really well! Great job Social!

  5. What Went Well:
    -Great Decs
    -Results Announcements
    -Thought/meaning behind the dance was translated very nicely (casual atmosphere)- great job taking the initiative to change the meaning back to what it should be, this year creates a great precedent

    -More Waffle Ingredients
    -More Gloves
    -1 Team making batter, 1 Making Waffles, 1 Decorating
    -Sign with Monetary Amount for Waffles
    -Clear Cleanup Regulations (Class officers didn't know we had to get the decs home- honestly, I felt like ASB Leadership members, rather than class officers, should have the burden to clean up. I felt very uncomfortable requiring them to clean up yet again after an event that wasn't really theirs, especially because they were the ones who had the most stress/work throughout Homecoming week. Out of all of the events, the Homecoming dance should have been the one that they could enjoy and relax for. Class presidents should be there, but asking class officers is too much.)
    -Some activities (brawl + slideshow) weren't there
    -Ladles so we're not using cups (very unprofessional)
    -Sell drinks
    -Turn lights off in the gym (many people were turned off because lights were on in the beginning)
    -Volunteers should know when to be more serious/professional (it's great that we're having fun, but if there are 30 impatient people in line, we need to prioritize serving them. There were a couple of people who had good attitudes about the wait but there were also many complaints.)

    Overall, you guys did a wonderful job! I know it was a difficult event because you all were involved in Homecoming and the dance was a lot on top of it. (Sorry for being so critical)

  6. Pluses:
    -decs looked awesome (what you could see at least)
    -lots of people were there
    -"casual atmosphere" worked pretty well
    -photo booth
    -result announcement

    -if the lights are off, we can't even see the decs, so what's the point of having them up there? it's just more work for clean up.
    -we need to be selling more food/drinks. Since 2017 wasn't selling drinks as they usually are (understandably, post HC week!) a lot of people wanted to buy drinks and we ended up sending them to the water fountains.
    -It really wasn't the "bash" that social said it would be. As far I know, there were two activities: frozen and freakfest. I know some people left early since neither of those two were very appealing (to them at least). It would have been nice to have the ping pong table, to have the video games back, and maybe even to have a slideshow of photos from hc week.
    -lights off in the gym RIGHT away
    -clean up process should be more standardized than "whoever is there." I disagree with Sally, and I think class officers should help clean up this dance. This is the biggest clean up of the entire year, and honestly, even if we're involved in homecoming, we don't know which decs to keep and which ones people want to take home.
    -lack of professional photography.
    -we need better promo. I changed my profile picture on September 24th, and we didn't really do any promo after that. We need to promo everything at the dance: movies, waffles, and dancing
    -DJ was good, but we should have a request form. I didn't know a good number of the songs, and it's hard to get pumped up that way

    -Will and I had to go get more mix within 30 minutes of the dance starting. After having done waffles at homecoming last year, livin' the night, and fashion show, we really should know how much mix is required. I was a little upset by the fact that things ran out so quickly, and that we were so unprepared. This led to disgruntled and dissatisfied customers waiting for us to go to safeway and buy mix, and then come back and mix. Social, please create a materials list for waffles, including the waffle makers, ladles, and quantity of each mix and topping that we need to buy.
    -once again, people who didn't sign up to help were dragged into waffles
    -once we sell out of waffles, we're sold out. No more going out in the middle to buy them. It's unprofessional.
    - Although money and waffles were separate, we ran out of gloves and the whole process became pretty unsanitary
    -Nutella in squeeze bottles and not spreadable things. If not, scratch the nutella
    -strawberries and bananas
    -sign advertising waffles

    gj social! hope to see some of these suggestions implemented in a spring dance.

  7. Pros:

    - Decs (shouldn't ever be an issue for the HC Dance)
    - Photo Booth
    - Attendance! Announcing the results was definitely a major plus in that regard.
    - Alternate Activity: wasn't actually in the auditorium to see how many people were watching the movie, but it sounds like a good thing to have... maybe a less "overplayed" film than Frozen, however, because many people told me they had seen it too many times.

    Cons / Suggestions:

    - I think the promo could have been done later. The concept behind the promo (the younger pics) was fantastic and attracted a lot of attention, but it was done so early that people seemed to forget about it entirely when Homecoming week approached.

    - Hima makes a good point about our usage of decs... if we want to maximize the time the lights are off in the gym (which we should, since people enjoy it more), then the decs lose some of their value during the dance. I don't really think it's that big of an issue, but it's certainly a valid point to consider.

    - Admission Process: Not sure if this is possible (mainly because I'm not exactly sure of the logic behind it), but making the process of the line more efficient would probably help people enjoy themselves. Many people clearly had a major problem with it, and they made no effort to hide that from anyone who was volunteering at the time.

    - More preparation in terms of having enough waffle mix / anything else beforehand.

    - Clean-up: I saw a lot more Leadership people at the dance than at clean-up, which is slightly disappointing but understandable... we definitely need more "official" sign-ups next time, however. In terms of getting decs where they need to be, I just read over Hima's and Sally's comments and I think I'm somewhere in between on the issue. I think the main issue is simply communication; no class officer is being forced to come, but their knowing that decs are expected to be moved after the dance will at least allow the more willing to stay (as I saw in my Sophomore Year), and that awareness wasn't really there this year. This communication between Social Commission and classes extends to more than just clean up... social cannot assume that officers know to leave some decs from homecoming for the dance as opposed to the rally (we almost threw away many of our 2D decs used at the dance). I think a greater level of communication between social and class officers would be beneficial to both parties, especially in terms of clean up.

    Overall: Great job Social!!! Sorry that my cons were so lengthy, I just had a lot to say on certain issues.

    1. near the end i meant *2D decs used on our homecoming day

  8. I really liked the turnout of the dance. Despite the less than enthusiastic comments about the new casual atmosphere of homecoming, attendance was high and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

    The decs in the gym were on point, and the dj was muchmuchmuchmuchmuch better than last time. I'm not sure if this was there last year too, but I noticed how the bleachers were left out in the gym to frame the makeshift dance floor amd decs. This was pretty clever, as it maximized the attention onto the dancefloor.

    Things we would improve on:

    -We underestimated the amount of waffle mix needed for the dance and ran out much sooner than expected
    -A spatula or getting mixing tools instead of plastic forks for the waffle mix would be much for efficient
    -Cleanup could have been more efficient also. We're all tired at the end of the dance and look forward to going home and winding down for the night, and a more speedy cleanup would probably be best for everyone.

    But, I liked the overall turnout of the dance. It was appropriately fun and casual with a variety of semiformal attire (depending on how they interpreted 'semi' LOL). Good job social!

  9. Overall, the dance was a great success mostly because of the big turnout which led to a lot of people actually dancing instead of awkwardly standing outside in small groups. The dj was a lot better and I actually liked how the bleachers were open so it seemed like more people were dancing.
    Things to improve:
    I felt that we need a way to optimize time that it takes to actually get into the dance because the line was nearly half an hour long which made people feel kind of tired before they even got into the dance.
    We ran out of waffle mix (as previously stated)
    I heard a lot of people complaining about not having professional pictures (something I know that could not be fixed because of photography club) but I feel like there should have been some way to explain to everyone what happened
    There could have been more decs (maybe balloons or a background to take pictures) because it looked a little bit sloppy and as if everything was just left over and we needed to fill up space

    Overall I think the dance was really successful with the amount of people that showed up. The semi-formal attire with casual atmosphere was a really good idea and I saw a lot of groups of friends instead of just people with dates. Good job social!!

  10. Pros:
    Great attendance! Not sure what it’s because of (possibly the results announcement?) but the whole semi-formal/casual conundrum didn’t seem to be as big of a deterrent.

    Deltas(what we should try and do):
    Keep track of our waffle supplies

    What Hima and I bought from safeway(for future reference):
    5 Boxes Waffle Mix
    1 Bottle of syrup
    1 Bottle of chocolate syrup
    3 Boxes of strawberries
    3 Cans of whipped cream
    In addition to the supplies social had, these lasted us almost the entire dance.

    Some other things we should invest in:
    Ladles(I remember we needed these for hot chocolate at movie night as well)
    Bowls(Since waffles seem likely to be at every dance) And we did return the staff loun

    In addition to waffles though, we should always sell a larger variety of food (other foods/snacks, drinks) at dances (since classes won’t necessarily always want to/be able to sell at a dance).
    After dancing, people naturally want refreshments!
    Just having food gives the dance more of a “social” atmosphere rather than just a “dancing in the gym” one, and it gives people who are tired of dancing/just want to hang out something to do besides just sit there awkwardly.


    The dance was advertised to (at least leadership students) as a celebration for HC, but it didn’t seem any different from a regular dance.
    The movie was nice, but beyond that it would’ve been nice to just have some alternate activities(isn’t the ping pong table just in the den?)
    In addition, I was under the impression that there would be a “trip down memory lane” slideshow, and a lot of my classes homecoming participants sent in pictures to me to pass on, and were disappointed to find that they would never be used.

    Same goes for professional pictures. It would have been really meaningful for us to get a "script team" or "decoration-heads" picture(and it tied into the theme so well!)
    Don't know what could've been done about this, but I hope we don't try and pin everything on photography club(just creates negativity between students and ASB)


    Communication about decorations between Mrs.Badger, social, and class officers was a bit hazy. Please let us know what’s expected of us in the future so that we can deliver!


    Cleanup volunteer tasks could have been delegated better. An idea: one social commissioner leading the booths outside, one leading in the den, one leading in the gym, and then having volunteers just go to their assigned area at the end of the dance.
    Also: shifts should be announced in a more concrete manner. (let second shift volunteers that their shift starts at xxx) and post a volunteer shift list right behind the tables so the volunteers know who should be doing what and when.


    That’s all I had ^^

  11. Pros:
    - So many people showed up! It made me extremely happy to see so many people at the dance that I could hang out with :)
    - Decorations, of course. Great job social/the rest of the classes!
    - Photobooth is always a hit and allows for people to publicize after dances on social networking sites (darn it I kind of regret not going look how much fun it looks like they had) and is a sweet way to remember the night :)
    - Thank you all for Frozen <3
    - Holla at the DJ, I don't remember the last time I've approved of the song choices that much!

    What to improve on:
    - I think the waffle situation has been pretty much covered by everyone else.
    - Perhaps something to have in the cove? I don't know if the social commissioners intended to have the cove so empty, but I noticed nearing the end of the night a lot of students just ended up sitting and lying down in the cove area. Not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, but I think it kind of took away from the mood of the dance when you saw the majority of your friends looking bored sitting around the floor. I know we usually have photography club take couple pictures here, but for future dances where they don't, could we have something here to kind of "cover up" the awkward gap?
    - The line for tickets! I arrived at the dance around an hour late and the line was still enormous. There always seems to be confusion on whether or not there were two lines for tickets or not. I was actually worried for a second if I would even get into the dance by 9 PM or not.
    - Could we put more tables with chairs outside for people to sit around? I know a lot of them are in the gym but that tends to be loud - people were trying to enjoy their waffles but had nowhere to sit, really.
    - I agree with Prashant - I actually think Homecoming dance Promo actually started too early. When it was actually nearing the dance they had no reminders for them on their newsfeeds to go buy tickets and the like.

    - Could we sell water or other beverages? I know that leaving beverages inside the cove/gym is a concern but it seems like a smart idea in terms of profit and I know multiple people were asking me if I had a water bottle.
    - Nearing the end of the dance, I personally wanted to sit down a little after standing around for so long and wanted to go to the auditorium but Frozen was over. Even if we finish one movie, could we put in another one until the end of the dance? I think a lot of people would appreciate somewhere to sit down at without being outside in the cold just to kind of wind down and relax.
    - I don't know if social can do anything about this because it's kind of outside of their abilities, but could we do something about the "oh everyone comes to the dance an hour late" mentality? I know it's hypocritical for me because I arrived late myself (but it was honestly because of me running late, not because I wanted to) but I was kind of amazed at the number of people that showed up from 8:00-8:30 instead of the original time of 7:30. I know this is a phenomenon that happens at every event, but could we do something? Just bringing it up.

    Overall, thank you for a wonderful dance social, and I had a wonderful time! :)

  12. Pros:
    -Attendance!! Might be because of results so that worked well!
    -Decs looked great!
    -I wasn't inside the gym for a lot of time but I heard that the DJ was good
    -A lot of people also liked the movie in the auditorium because it was an alternate activity.
    -Photobooth (always a plus!)

    -As many people said, there were a quite a bit of problems with the waffles. I think the biggest issue was the lack of supplies. There was not enough mix or toppings and we even ran out of gloves. In addition, the use of paper cups was very messy and looked bad. Another problem was the cash box. It didn't look good that we were using a cardboard box to store cash and we did not have any change so some people had to bring change. Overall, I think there needs to be a clear plan for waffles, which includes what to buy, how much, and how the process will work.
    -Also for food. Many people wanted something to drink and they ended up upset that there was nothing to eat other than waffles. I think it would be a good idea to look into the possibilities of other foods and beverages.
    -The dance had a very awkward start. The lights were on and everyone was just standing outside. People would go inside but then walk out because no one was dancing inside. So like Hima said, the lights should definitely be off in the beginning.

    But overall, congratulations social! It was a really successful dance :)
