Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Last Rally!!

Hey Friends!!

You know the drill, comment below for your feedback on the rally last Friday!! Thanks :)

-ASB Spirit


  1. No complaints as far as I've heard. General decent rally, kinda needed more golf people out there and less complaining about last submissions. Certain seniors were acting very immaturely but nothing you guys could have done about that.

  2. Pros:
    -WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Seriously this is a dream I've had every since I watched high school musical in like 3rd grade HAHA good choice you guys :')
    -Games were fun and involved a lot of people
    -Sports callouts didn't seem like too many
    -Skit was simple and funny

    -seniors going out for sports they did not play REALLY irritated me. Nothing you could have done about it, but just putting it out there
    -it seemed kind of routine, but probably because it was the last rally.

    Great job this year spirit woo

  3. what went well:
    -WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER ^^^^ YESS super cute for the last rally!
    -many sports were recognized
    -shapes game and microphone game were well-received and relatively new!

    what could be improved:
    -make sure teams take their recognition in the middle more seriously
    -regulations to make sure people dont just jump in with sports teams 'for fun' - REGULATION IF ANY WAY POSSIBLE PLEASE? I found it REALLY disrespectful when seniors went out for sports they did not play

    Overall, great rally as usual!!
