Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter Formal 2k14

Whooooooot, we finally pulled through!
Thank you to the whole leadership class for being so supportive of us. It really made a difference and Social truly appreciated your help. Now, before we say goodbye to Winter Formal for the school year we want your thoughts!
-What went well/not so great
-how was the volunteer system
-preparation/decoration/set up/ clean up
-what could we do to improve
-anything else

ASB Social

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thank You Cards Debrief

Hi everyone,

Please give your feedback on the following things for the TY Cards project:
-Do you think that the manpower put into writing cards for everyone was worth it? Did the anonymous cards provide any value to the whole project/students themselves?
-How do you think we could have improved the entire process? To give some context, I thought of the idea in early November and tried to pull it off with the class in a month. But what about the writing/delivery?
-Was this project in line with the goal of being "catalysts for compassion"? Do you think we brought compassion to the student body?
-Should this project be continued next year? Maybe in another form?

It'd also be great if you could give some anecdotes about the project -- maybe some stories you've heard about it or anything else.

Thanks so much!

Amit, Kavya, Shivani, Sally, and the entire class

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Spirit Week Debrief

Hey Leadership!

Last week we had a Holiday Spirit Week. Could you please comment:

  • whether the event was well-received
  • whether people actually dressed up
  • the dilemma over sweater day/hat day mixup
  • whether we should have holiday (december) spirit week in general
Please be honest, and thank you for your feedback!!

ASB Spirit

Monday, December 1, 2014

Movember Debrief

Hi everyone,

Please tell us the pros and cons of Movember this year, as well as at least one suggestion for next year.

Heemz + Soph

Monday, November 24, 2014

CADA Debrief

Hi everyone,

For those of you who went to CADA today, here are a few questions to debrief:
-What did you think went well with the conference? (Workshops you went to, speakers, etc.)
-What did you think could be improved?
-Would you recommend someone from your commission go next year?
-Suggestions for both the conference and Lynbrook ASB planning for the conference

Also, please note whether you were in the normal track or advanced track.



Thursday, November 13, 2014

Norms/Expectations Discussion

Below is a slightly condensed/edited list of what we discussed in class today:

Expectations for Leadership
1. Working in Leadership -- That we always are on task in class and asking to assist other classmates/commissions when we can. Remembering every minute spent doing homework is a minute that we could have served the student body. Understanding that leadership is a team effort, and that we must come to compromises to function effectively. Completing leadership logs on time and with our 100% brutal honesty.
2. Knowing When/Where to Dissent - Knowing that it is alright to disagree with decisions made by your team, other commissions, or our class as a whole, and you have ways of showing your dissent --through blog posts and in class discussions. But this means also understanding that once we leave room 506, we are 200% in support of all Leadership decisions.
3. Working Through Issues - Remembering that when you are:

  • Not having the time of your life in Leadership
  • Unhappy with the way Leadership is being led
  • Sad and need someone to talk to
you have a wealth of people around you -- be it Juliamit, ASBOs, seniors, Mrs. Badger or anyone -- who can help you work through issues. We all are here for one another.
4. Respecting and Understanding One Another - Respecting each other's opinions and backgrounds, be it different student groups or different lives entirely. Communicating with one another about what each commission is doing and being aware of class projects. Communicating with the school as a whole and always trying to understanding the viewpoints of the student body.
5. Pushing Forth our Vision - 

Vision Statement
1. Strive to reduce academic and personal stress in student body
2. Strive to increase involvement of all student groups in events and activities
3. Strive to instill a sense of pride in Lynbrook
4. Strive to develop relationships with the community
Always striving, as our vision statement clearly says, to work to improve our school community and its culture.

Questions for Us
As we set these norms and later talk about our values as a Leadership class, it's important we all first agree that this is what we'll do! Instead of having this post as just feedback, I'd love to see us respond to one another directly, comment to our heart's delight (I know some of us need it, cough A- cough), and really reflect upon what it means to be a part of Lynbrook's Leadership.

1. Are these expectations achievable? Do you think we should add some or take some out?
2. What specifically do some of these expectations look like? I'd LOVE to hear some situations this year where you think these expectations came/could have come in handy.
3. What do we do when these expectations are broken? How do we hold ourselves accountable?

Please respond by next Tuesday by the end of class. We can continue our discussion during block.


<3 Amit

Spikefest Debrief

Hey ASB! We would love to have your input on Spikefest this past week.
Please tell us:

-What you liked and why you liked it
-What you think could be improved
-Suggestions for the future

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out during the event, we truly appreciate it!

<3 athletics

Saturday, November 8, 2014

First Semester Food Club Day Debrief!!

Hello all,

Pros/cons of food club day?
and: should we limit the number of clubs per food club day  (should we keep this system for next year)
keep in mind that:
-each club can only participate in one food club day per year
-there were a lot less clubs per food club day

anything else?? let us know :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Homecoming Trick or Treating & Pie Eating Contest Debrief

Hey Leadership!

Let us know your input on the entire Trick or Treating experience teachers contributed to at brunch and the pie eating contest at lunch.

Also, would you guys rather have the annual Halloween Costume Parade we usually have? Or was this better?

Let us know!

ASB Recognition & ASB Spirit <3

Monday, October 20, 2014

Homecoming Dance Debrief

Hey ASB! We would love to have your input on the Homecoming dance that took place last Saturday 10/18. Please tell us:

-What you liked and why you liked it
-What you think could be improved
-Suggestions for the future

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out during the event, we truly appreciate it!

Monday, October 6, 2014

10/3 Townhall Meeting

Hi all,

Please comment with some pros and cons/your opinions about the Townhall Meeting last Friday, as well as ideas for future townhalls. Once again, thanks for coming!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Movie Night Debrief

Hi guys!

We would like to get some feedback from the Movie Night on Friday, September 12. Thanks to everyone who came and supported/helped out, we really appreciate it.

Be sure to include:

  • What you liked and why you liked it
  • Things that could be improved and how they could be improved. 
All feedback is appreciated and we hope you had just as much fun as we did! 


Monday, September 8, 2014

ASB Apparel

Front 1

Front 2

Back 1
Back 2
Front 3

Back 3

Club Info Day

Hello all!

Club info day was last Friday, could you please give us some feedback?
What were some complaints you heard, what did not work well? and overall, in general, how was it?


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hall of Fame Rally

To continue from today's discussion:

One of the events that LAN (Lynbrook Alumni Network) wanted to begin here at Lynbrook next year is the Hall of Fame Rally. Cupertino HS already does this every two years, selecting four special alumni to honor and add to Cupertino's HoF.

This is really just a brainstorming, wide-ranging discussion -- wanted to get your thoughts on anything and everything, really. Questions we're looking to answer:
-How appealing do you think a rally (during the 50th year anniversary) would be to our student body honoring four alumni?
-How do you think we should select alumni to be part of Lynbrook's HoF?
-What things have you heard from Cupertino about this? I will talk with their ASB too.
-Anything else, pros/cons of something like this, what you think personally of this idea, etc.


Amit, Sophia, Julia

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Back Rally Debrief (Back In Action!)

Hola amigos!

We'd like to start off by giving everyone a huge THANK YOU for helping out on the rally on Friday. Whether you were part of the chair/desk crew, gave us advice or your opinions, or were one of the people who asked if there was anything you could do to help, we appreciate every single one of you for making last Friday a success. :)

Now you know the drill, please write some feedback regarding the rally in the comments below! Here's a list of things you could discuss just to get your gears turning:
  • The non-competitive aspect?
  • The games
    • difficulty?
    • sports teams instead of classes?
  • Video/ costumes / script?
  • overall spirit of the rally
  • any awkward pauses?
but more importantly:

  • what did you like about the rally
  • what did you not like
  • what would you change for next time
Any suggestions are appreciated. Again, thank you so much leadership for contributing and being there for us! 

With lots of love,
ASB Spirit <3

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Welcome Back Dance Debrief

Hi guys!

We would like to get some feedback from the welcome back dance on Friday. Thanks to everyone who came and supported/helped out, we really appreciate it.

Be sure to include:

  • What you liked and why you liked it
  • Things that could be improved and how they could be improved. 
All feedback is appreciated and we hope you had just as much fun as we did! 


Friday, August 22, 2014

Link Crew Dance Debrief

Hi guys!

We would like to get some feedback from the link crew dance last week. Thanks to everyone who came and supported/helped out, we really appreciate it.

Be sure to include:

  • What you liked and why you liked it
  • Things that could be improved and how they could be improved. 
All feedback is appreciated and we hope you had just as much fun as we did! 


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Welcome to Leadership/Work Debriefs

Thanks to everyone for coming today. Hope you all had fun, and it's great that we started

Couple of things that ASBOs need (please post responses as a comment to this post):
-Fill out the doodle here:
-Post what your commission discussed today, brief overview of your ideas and goals
-Post your name/position so we know that this blog is working for you
-Can you come to Monta Vista HS on June 10th from 10am-12pm for a meeting with all of FUHSD's Leadership students? Yes/No

Thanks so much!