Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hearts Project 2015 Debrief

Please give your feedback on the following:
- Was the time put into cutting out and writing the hearts worth it? Or should we have paid VBE or some other organization to do it for us (what we voted against doing)?
- How was the organization and work done in class (including sorting, sending the hearts back to 3rd period classrooms)?
- How was set-up before school? (if applicable)
- How was lunch volunteer work? (for example, we probably didn't need nearly as many volunteers during lunch this year when compared to the last two)
- Should there be a Hearts Project 2016?? How should it be changed?
- Any other Comments (feel free to give your input from both the perspectives of a student "participant" and a leadership student working on the project)

- Prashamit <3


  1. I definitely think the time put into cutting out and writing the hearts was worth it. It didn't take too long and it was a fairly simple.
    - I felt that the organization and work done in class went pretty well, but sending the hearts back to the 3rd period classrooms was a little hectic. Maybe next time people could be assigned (with or without their buddies, either way) a few room numbers of which envelopes to deliver
    -set-up before school was efficient
    -I felt that we didn't need to have 2 people (or even 1) standing there monitoring the whole time, as long as we have at least one person per poster go check on it 5-10 minutes before lunch ends
    -there should be a hearts project 2016!

    -when doing signups for morning/brunch/lunch volunteers, it could be assigned by commission so that there aren't just a few people having to do it all the time, and itrotated for every 1 or 2 chunks of time (ie one commission would do morning+brunch, while another commission does lunch, and the next day, assign different commissions)
    -i felt that the hearts could have been monitored more carefully, i did see a few hearts of fellow classmates who posted them on social media sites that had profanity/insults

    -overall this project should definitely be continued!

  2. -Making the hearts ourselves was definitely worth it. It was pretty simple, and you could easily do something else while cutting them out.
    -Organization was ok, but we should have made sure that we have all the labels beforehand, so we weren't rushing to make them during the morning.
    -Set up before school: We should've prepared more staplers. Then we could also save on the amount of blue tape we use.
    -The need for volunteers decreased as the week went on, but we should definitely have some people at least circling around.
    -Yes to Hearts 2016!
    -Definitely needed more volunteers during 7th on Thursday for quality control so we could be more careful.

  3. I think that overall Hearts project went smoothly for my first year.
    -Though at the beginning it seemed it would take forever to cut out hearts it was quite easy to cut and write the hearts, so I believe we should not switch this.
    -I think the organization could have been a bit better, the hearts were every where around class, though we finished it might have been easier if we weren't running around trying to find one persons heart everywhere in the classroom. Maybe try keeping them in one place.
    -The amount of people that we needed in the morning was a good amount and efficient
    -I think that having one person in charge of a poster during lunch and brunch is better, because I personally saw very little bad comments on the hearts.
    - I think we should continue this project I think it makes people feel better and that is always a good thing to shoot for and we hit it.
    -For next year I think we should get more colored paper due to the lack of pink and red making most of the hearts white for some people.

  4. -Worth cutting out and writing (but the quality of handwriting is still questionable)
    -Organization relatively successful (a few missed hearts and senior name tags weren't made until the morning of, but taking into account how many we had to do, pretty good)
    -Set up was good - especially the maps!!!
    -In my opinion, having lunchtime volunteers is pretty unnecessary. We are going through the hearts later anyways, and over the course of all the lunches I did, I didn't really have anything big to cross out (small things that we could have caught when sorting). It's a huge commitment and it's hard to find volunteers who can stay the whole time, and it's hard to read what the hearts say when there's a huge crowd of people in front of the posters

    -Closer sifting when we're looking through the hearts; I do know what Beatrice is saying when she says people are posting pictures of bad hearts on Facebook. The monitoring of hearts should still remain constant, but maybe we can find a different, more effective way then just waiting by hearts posters?

  5. The time put into making the hearts was worth it, and is far more cost effective, especially with our class budget at this time.
    -Organization and delivery were fine, but there were times when delivery got a little crazy, especially when we delivered the 3rd period hearts. What essentially happened was that people would grab an envelope and go. I'm not sure if there was an assigned list of who would deliver which envelope, but planning that out beforehand would have made delivery easier.
    -Set up was almost too efficient. I remember having to wait 15-20 minutes for school to start after we finished putting all the posters up. I doubt 45 minutes is needed to put 4-5 posters up in the morning.
    -I personally felt like standing around monitoring posters wasn't necessary, especially if we're going to go through the hearts later when we sort them into envelopes. Maybe one volunteer per poster would be sufficient to take down inappropriate hearts.
    -We should have put more emphasis on afterschool volunteers rather than morning volunteers. There weren't enough volunteers who sorted cards every day, even though we had too many people at morning set ups.
    -Hearts 2016 should definitely happen
    -I had friends come to me asking where __ to __ last names were. It would have been more helpful if there was a map posted so students would have a general idea where their friends' hearts were.

  6. I thought cutting the hearts out ourselves was fine, but I would have preferred having more time do it, and possibly class time as well. In addition, the heart sorting definitely could have been better organized. I thought the project was overall well-received by the student population, and it is definitely something we should do again.

    My only other suggestion would be to decrease (or even take out) the heart monitors, and try to get more volunteers during 6th/7th period instead!

  7. -I think that the time put into the hearts project was worth it as well as cost effective however, I felt that the way we had to put in time was unorganized. For example, we had to sign up ourselves for hanging up posters in the mornings and I felt that it was unfair how some people worked every single day and other people only worked some lunches. I think that it would seem a lot more fun if the work we needed to do was made fun instead of making it a chore. We could've reserved a day for cutting out hearts and played music and it would've been fun. We also could've made it fun by making it a competition as other schools had done and whoever cuts out the most hearts gets a prize.
    -Organization and delivery went very smoothly
    -Setup went very smoothly especially when we had to fight against the wind. However, I didn't feel that we needed to get to school that early to set up the posters. It's always better to be early though so I guess it worked out well.
    -I didn't think that volunteers were necessary to monitor hearts because even if we took down a heart with inappropriate comments, more inappropriate comments would be written on it anyway and the cycle would continue with the volunteers just wasting paper. I think leadership students should be expected to encourage only positive comments but no one should have to stand there and watch people write on the hearts.
    -There should most definitely be a hearts project for 2016 because I know a lot of people enjoyed receiving a heart with nice messages written on it.

    Overall I heard many people say that they loved the hearts and I think it was organized very well. For next time, we shouldn't be forced into volunteering however, and the work that we need to do should be made fun even if its in the smallest way possible. Also, if people sign up to volunteer it is their responsibility to complete the work and if they cannot finish the work they should notify someone about it so the work can get completed. This project was a great one and should definitely continue next year.

  8. Hearts!!
    -The student body really liked the hearts and we had an increase in involvement this year.
    -People genuinely liked writing on each other's hearts which was nice except for a few bad fellows.
    -Passing out hearts to classrooms was really fun ^_^
    -cutting out wasn't too bad

    -The workload during the week was tremendous. If a heart is drawn on during brunch, it's drawn on. I don't think it mattered if it was replaced 5 minutes in or 15 minutes in. If the people don't come back to resign than that's a shame.
    -I also observed disappointment between handwriting on some cards and others (hard to avoid)
    -I also observed people writing bad stuff, and that was disappointing to see.
    -Mornings were tough.

    Personally, I think many of the ASB students who were signed up to do the whole day, checked once and the beginning, once at the end of brunch, and three times during lunch. That's it. That should be decent enough for this project.
    Also, i suggest that the people with the bad handwriting DONT write names, but cut out more, have to organize and make more posters. Some people were not born with the ability to write gorgeous calligraphy.

    Other than that! I loved doing this project and after seeing the happiness and excitement on people's faces i do think we should continue this project.

  9. I think that the time we spent cutting the hearts was definitely worth it because it was pretty simple and we saved money that could be put into something else. But the inconsistency of the handwriting could be something that we should try to fix next year. Also we should have started a little earlier because we were rushing to finish which led to us missing a couple of hearts.
    The organization in class was pretty good, and so was set up before school.
    I also thought that monitoring brunch and lunch was slightly ineffective because when we replaced the heart, there was nothing on it and all the good messages that other people had written were erased also. I agree that we should get more people to volunteer after school rather than during brunch/lunch.
    Yes we should definitely have Hearts 2016!
    I think that we should put maps up on Facebook a little earlier and have a way to get maps to the people who don't have Facebook accounts. Maybe a huge map in the quad like we do for club food day?

  10. In general, I thought the week was a success. Although I left early, I was impressed by the amount of participation we received. I didn't cut my hearts but writing it was not bad at all. I would continue the event. I think promo outside of social media was great.

  11. Amazing job in organization, the entire project went by super smoothly! (Having the map sent out to volunteers was super effective.)

    Maybe consider dividing the class between people who cut and people who write because I heard quite a few people complaining about handwriting. Also, we should write names BIGGER on the hearts to take up more space (some hearts ended up looking really empty). Instead of crossing out mean things/replacing hearts, maybe we can just put some cute stickers over it? Kind of random but I think it looks better than having nothing on the hearts or a giant blackout. Writing room numbers on the back was grreat.
    I like the idea of having a giant map to let people know!
    Instead of having people sign up to set up/monitor, utilize the buddy system and make it a requirement that each buddy pair is in charge of a poster so everyone is doing a fair share of work. (A lot of lonely lunches.. :( ) I actually saw some benefit in monitoring because quite a few people came to look at their own hearts (ones that I had taken down because of inappropriate comments), but they definitely don't need to stay the entire brunch/lunch. Maybe a couple of people to walk around school to monitor? Also, if we're there to "intimidate" people into not writing mean things, maybe we should wear our ASB sweatshirts? Justin may be a little intimidating, but I'm just a little over five feet.
    Organization of posters: maybe less posters around campus and having more hearts on each poster. Reduces need for monitors and easier to find posters.
