Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter Formal 2k14

Whooooooot, we finally pulled through!
Thank you to the whole leadership class for being so supportive of us. It really made a difference and Social truly appreciated your help. Now, before we say goodbye to Winter Formal for the school year we want your thoughts!
-What went well/not so great
-how was the volunteer system
-preparation/decoration/set up/ clean up
-what could we do to improve
-anything else

ASB Social

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thank You Cards Debrief

Hi everyone,

Please give your feedback on the following things for the TY Cards project:
-Do you think that the manpower put into writing cards for everyone was worth it? Did the anonymous cards provide any value to the whole project/students themselves?
-How do you think we could have improved the entire process? To give some context, I thought of the idea in early November and tried to pull it off with the class in a month. But what about the writing/delivery?
-Was this project in line with the goal of being "catalysts for compassion"? Do you think we brought compassion to the student body?
-Should this project be continued next year? Maybe in another form?

It'd also be great if you could give some anecdotes about the project -- maybe some stories you've heard about it or anything else.

Thanks so much!

Amit, Kavya, Shivani, Sally, and the entire class

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Spirit Week Debrief

Hey Leadership!

Last week we had a Holiday Spirit Week. Could you please comment:

  • whether the event was well-received
  • whether people actually dressed up
  • the dilemma over sweater day/hat day mixup
  • whether we should have holiday (december) spirit week in general
Please be honest, and thank you for your feedback!!

ASB Spirit

Monday, December 1, 2014

Movember Debrief

Hi everyone,

Please tell us the pros and cons of Movember this year, as well as at least one suggestion for next year.

Heemz + Soph