Saturday, May 24, 2014

Welcome to Leadership/Work Debriefs

Thanks to everyone for coming today. Hope you all had fun, and it's great that we started

Couple of things that ASBOs need (please post responses as a comment to this post):
-Fill out the doodle here:
-Post what your commission discussed today, brief overview of your ideas and goals
-Post your name/position so we know that this blog is working for you
-Can you come to Monta Vista HS on June 10th from 10am-12pm for a meeting with all of FUHSD's Leadership students? Yes/No

Thanks so much!



  1. Kenny Yuan, 2016 VP

    Looked over the calendar passed down to us from 2015 (very detailed and useful info, thanks 2015). Discussed a little bit about homecoming theme selection. We plan to discuss theme ideas with the class via Facebook/Gmail.

    Sally, Valerie, Elin, and I spent the vast majority of the time talking to the new 2018 officers, Saif, Meghna, and Lillian, about starting off their officerships. Went into more specific details with them about homecoming (skit, decorations, backdrop, all that good stuff). Explained a bit about rallies and fundraising. Discussed plans for setting up a class Google Group and a Facebook group. Answered any questions/confusions that they had so far.

    MVHS Meeting? Yes.

  2. Adhiv Dhar, 2017 Treasurer

    We skimmed through the calendar that 2016 provided us (mucho amor 2016 <3) for suggestions on the upcoming 14-15 year. While going through each page, we talked about each of the fundraisers, what we might do differently, as well as clarified some questions with Sally. We also briefly touched upon a couple theme ideas for HC.

    The majority of our work got done at a meeting that the '17 officers held after the social, where we discussed visions and expectations for the following school year.

    MV June 10th Meeting: Yes

  3. Ian Pearman: ASB Tech.

    We sat down and set up the schedule for next year, planned most of the big events that we need to either create videos for or to set up in general. We also discussed logistical problems that needed solutions and tried to set up an image of how the entirety of next year was going to go ahead of time. Unfortunately Ghanshyam wasn't here for this meeting, so I was discussing this all with Raaghav and Rani, and I will debrief Ghanshyam at a later date.

    MV Meeting: No. (Travel)

  4. Shruthi Thatikunta: ASB Recognition

    We went through the calendar that the previous recognition commissioners prepared and began planning our events for next year. We discussed the events that took place this year and talked about how we could improve those events for the future. For next year, all of us thought it would be a good idea to start promoting events earlier and also to utilize more social media (like instagram). One event that we would like to focus on is the Recognition Rally because it is a new idea and we need to keep track of all student accomplishments.

    MV Meeting: Yes

  5. Mira Thekdi (or I can go by Murr) ASB SOCIAL

    Social looked through the final that current social commissioners made and discussed the events and how they usually go down. We made a couple minor changes date-wise like when to start promoting the event, when to release the promo video, etc. We also started discussing possible WF venues and the thought of keeping HC as a casual dance (although NOTHING is set in stone rn). Our goals this year are to:

    a) make the dances in a way that they appeal to all of the student body, especially freshmen
    b) finding a decent balance between extra activities and actual dancing so the dances don't become a "bash"
    c) maximizing our profit and breaking even at every event

    Overall we just really want to make sure every student comes to our events and feel that it is a safe environment where they can have fun with their friends!

    MVHS: YEAH!!!!!!!

  6. Ken Yanagisawa ASB SOCIAL :D

    We looked over the various socials/dances that are planned for next year. We also discussed possible themes for dances and listened to the general idea of each social and dance we're going to have.

    One goal we have this year is to not only focus on dances but also work on having more socials and actual events.

    MVHS: Yup :D

  7. Raaghav Minocha: ASB Tech

    We went over the calendar for the school year and set deadlines on all aspects of the projects we would be completing, including setting up for school-wide events and planning promotional videos. We also talked with ASB athletics about which sports teams to highlight this year, and found dates during the seasons where we would be able to create videos highlighting these teams. Ghanshyam and I have yet to learn some of the technical aspects of what our job entails, such as operation of the speakers, but I'm sure we will catch on fast and make this a very productive year.

    MVHS Meeting? No (Auditorium Sound Training)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Kavya Nambiar: ASB Recognition

      We went through the old calendar and thier final to discuss what we could improve on for next year. We looked at the events that were held this year and talked about how to improve them. We also talked about standardizing the process for Most Spirited Staff Member and new idea we had for the next year, like HOLH (Humans of Lynbrook High).

      MV Meeting: Not sure

  9. Lilian Chen, 2018 treasurer

    We talked with the 2016 officers about homecoming, and they were extremely helpful with providing us information and things we need to prepare/start doing over the next few weeks and into the summer. After, we began to plan out ideas and meeting dates for our class, and possible fundraisers.

    Monta Vista meeting: No (June 10th is a half day for Miller, but it still ends at 12.)

  10. Meghna Allamudi, 2018 VP
    We also discussed our main goals this year as Freshmen Class Officers (WOOHOO!).
    Two of our major goals are:
    1.) To gain more spirit from the freshmen at events like homecoming and rallies.
    2.) To raise awareness about what these events are exactly because a lot of freshmen don't know how these events go.
    Like Lilian said, we learned a lot from the 2016 officers about the homecoming experience so THANKS :).
    One idea that they suggested that really stuck out to me was to come up with a t-shirt design (like 2017 did) and sell them at our fundraisers.
    They also helped us come up with easier ways to contact our entire class regarding homecoming and rallies at a later time.
    In conclusion, I want to give a big thanks to everyone for helping us out with tips and suggestions to make our freshmen year at Lynbrook amazing :)

    MV meeting: No (June 10th is a school day).

  11. Riya Mital, Athletics Commission

    We planned and discussed all of the athletics events to be held next year. We set up dates and reviewed how to make the events even better than before. In addition, we discussed changing a few things about our events to introduce some change for Lynbrook's students. For the most part however, we decided to keep the events the same and on the same dates. Lastly, we went over how to promote our clearly underrepresented sports teams. We decided to make promotional videos (similar to the promo video for football this year) for two sports in every season that have a chance to go to CCS. These videos will most likely be on Facebook at the beginning of every season in order to gain spectator involvement and attendance. Our major goal is to have all of these events run smoothly and for everyone at Lynbrook to have a great time while playing their favorite sports. :)

    MV Meeting: yes

  12. Elin Chee, 2016 Treasurer

    We spent the majority of our work time getting to know the awesome 2018 class officers and helping to answer any questions that they had about homecoming, rallies, and the school year in general. We gave them a sheet of paper with all the aspects of homecoming that they should know about and some tips for rallies and homecoming. The rest of the time, we discussed about possible homecoming themes that we were considering.

    Our main goals for the upcoming school year is to increase class unity and have more student participation in class wide events!

    MVHS meeting: Yes :)

  13. Morgan Wu: ASB PR

    We looked through the final from last year as well as their calendar, and set up our own dates/deadlines for creating and releasing promos. We also discussed new, creative ways to promote events, including spirit days/weeks, "walking billboards", etc. We went around the classroom and talked with many of the commissions about how they would need us throughout the year promoting various events. We also talked to Mrs. Badger to get an idea of additional responsibilities, and to discuss how to avoid making promos/posters (etc) at the very last minute.

    Our major goals are to create and release all promos on schedule, to use more creative advertising to promote various events, and to work closely with each commission (as necessary) to help with the promotional aspect of their events.

    MVHS meeting: Yes!

  14. Clubs comission Kimberly Zee
    We discussed how to limit the numbers of clubs in order to increase the legitimacy of them. We plan to increase club visitations and more strictly enforce rules
    :( no i can't make that meeting

  15. Sally Wan, 2016 President

    Like Elin and Kenny said, we spent the majority of our time getting to know the 2018 officers and introducing them to their duties as class officers, since we had an officer meeting planned the following Sunday anyways. We tried to give them an idea of all aspects of Homecoming- skits, decorations, dances, gauntlet, etc- as well as other events like common fundraisers and rallies.

    We were also able to look through the calendar (thanks Julia!) and made sure that the dates/recommendations were integrated in our already established calendar.

    In addition, I took some time to meet with the 2017 officers and answer questions they had.

    MVHS Meeting: Yes! :)

  16. Justin Robison, Athletics Comissioner

    I unfortunately was not able to attend the meeting. Ironically I was doing athletics (CCS for track and field)

    I can make the MV meeting!

  17. Valerie Tan, 2016 Secretary

    Unfortunately, Valerie's Blogspot isn't working but she can make the MV meeting!
