Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Last Rally!!

Hey Friends!!

You know the drill, comment below for your feedback on the rally last Friday!! Thanks :)

-ASB Spirit

5/22 Fashion Show

Hello lovely people! We would love to have your input on the fashion show this year! 

-What you think went well 
-What you think could be improved
-Any suggestions for the future

THANK YOU to all volunteers (AND A BILLION THANKS TO TECH! <3) who helped out during the event, we truly appreciate it!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Leg Council Amendment Discussion

Hi everyone,

Thank you for listening to us during class today and providing great feedback. I know we didn't have enough time in class, so here's a blog post where you can make the rest of your point heard, or bring up something new.

For convenience, here is the general gist of the amendment:
- Leg reps are now recruited through sign ups with a minor screening process (to prove dedication)
- Ideally, leg reps would be assigned 2-4 homeroom classes to be in charge of. Once a week, the leg rep would alternate between their assigned rooms to relay information as well as get feedback from the students.
- If we do not meet the needed number of sign-ups in order to assign a max of 4 rooms to each rep, we will revert back to the old system (we will probably change this clause to include a broader range of scenarios in which the new system will fail)

When you comment, please make sure to keep in mind feasibility, as well as the probability that we will be able to find a way to implement changes you feel need to be made. Also, in addition to concerns you have, please try to also include ways we could possibly address these concerns in the new amendment.

We will come back on Monday with something we are all, hopefully, happier with!
15-16 ASBOs

Sunday, May 3, 2015

AK Week Debrief

Hello friends!

Thank you so much for all of your help with AK week. Please comment on this debrief with pros/cons/suggestions for improvement, and try to hit the following points:

-Promo: Was it effective? Would a simple uniform profile picture be better?
-Events: As a reminder, the days were as follows: Pay it forward, Star posters, Cookie Grams (no events Thursday/Friday)
-Cookie Grams: Is it worth the effort? Would it be bad to charge? Is there a more effective way?
-Any other day suggestions?



Friday, April 24, 2015

L-Factor Feedback

Hey Leadership!

You know the drill, let us know about the L-Factor because it was our first time ever! What you enjoyed, what you heard from others, what you liked.

Thank you all so much!

ASB Spirit <3

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Leg Council Feedback

As a followup to our discussion in class this week, we wanted to ask you guys for more feedback about the following questions:

1. How do we get people to become Leg reps and come to Leg meetings?
2. How do we elicit more feedback/action from Leg reps?
3. Suggestions for next year?

Some pieces of feedback from earlier:
-Somehow encourage teachers to allow Leg reps to speak, be supportive
-Fight stereotype of Leg unimportance vs. ASB as a whole
-Bring food to all meetings (we've brought to most, not all)
-Increase activity points for Leg
-Provide meaningful work (what constitutes meaningful work?)
-Half-year terms for reps
-Apparel for reps


Amit, Julia, and Hima

Club Probation Process

Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the feedback today.  If you have anything else to add, please comment below.

<3 Clubs